Kivicare Medical Services
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Health CheckUp
A usual full-body health check-up is made up of blood and urine tests lungs function tests, and cardiac test.
An X-ray is an imaginaring test that produces pictures of the organs, tissues, and bones of the body.
Blood Bank
Blood banking is the process that takes place in the lab to make sure that donated blood, or blood products.
Clinical lab services are tests on specimens from the body that are used to diagnose and treat patients.
Outdoor Checkup
Clinics / Hospitals of Outdoor Checkup Services, Emergency Care Service, Postoperative Care Service.
Emergency ambulance services have dedicated staff to handle medical conditions at any time anywhere.
Welcome to the world’s first IVF Treatment
Kivicare IVF Fertility specializes in various types of medical services. These services are categorized as follows:
- Time saving
- Use donated eggs/serms
- Control over timing
- Chance of healthy baby
- Decrease chance of miscarriage
- Increase conception chance
Age factor
Fertility clinic
Lifestyle factor
What Our
Patients Says
“As someone who has faced societal pressures, I found MindfullTherapyy to be a safe haven. The understanding and support I received helped me embrace my individuality and build my confidence.”
“MindfullTherapyy has been a revelation for me. I was struggling with stress from work and family pressures. The therapist was understanding and provided practical solutions. I feel much lighter now!”
“I never thought I would benefit from online therapy, but MindfullTherapyy has changed my perspective. My sessions helped me navigate my anxiety, and the mindfulness techniques I learned have made a significant difference in my daily life.”
“The flexibility of MindfulTherapy is amazing. I could schedule sessions around my busy college life. My therapist was very relatable and provided a safe space to talk about my challenges.”